Friday, May 2, 2014


Ready to hear about the game I believe to be the best one out there? If you guessed Dishonored, you would be absolutely correct. I myself am not a major video game player, but I found myself captivated by the story-line and  the game play. Fight off legions of people out for your head! Save the Princess! Reclaim your honor! KICK SOME ASS!!! Dishonored; if you haven't played it yet, DOOOOO ITTTT!

So Dishonored is a first person "shooter" game in the style of Steam Punk. You play Corvo, who is the empress' body guard/ close friend. You fail at fighting off attackers and thus the empress is killed and her daughter is captured. If that isn't bad enough, you yourself are charged with her murder by her less then savory council (who you don't have to be a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that THEY are behind it). The game starts with you at this point escaping from prison (which is hard, let me tell you). And meeting up with a rebellious party who seeks vengeance for their late empress. The rest of the game is slowly killing off each member of her killing party, finding the princess, etc. I have not made it past a certain point, so I am still  a little behind in what happens, but let me tell you so far it is an awesome game. I love it because unlike other first person shooter games, there is a story; a quest you must adhere to. Those games are my favorite, and I get made fun of for liking such games as "Lego Harry Potter" (well, the Lego games in general), but I like having goals in a story line.


Abbey Road (The Beatles Album)

Listening Phase 1 (Rhythm)

Source each instrument in their "arsenal" if you will tends to give its own sense of rhythm. The drums are the obvious lead in creating their rhythm, but the bass and guitar definitely add a layer of rhythm you normally don't hear. Even their voices contribute, as you can clearly hear in Come Together

Time/Tempo the time signatures tend to be 4/4 time, but sometimes they sneak in creatively placed changes in the rhythm.

Groove the Beatles cannot be described as having any one sort of Groove, but it's definitely rock and roll at its finest.

Listening Phase 2 (Arrangement)

Instrumentation overall, you get the standard arsenal of rock and roll instruments: guitar, bass, drums and keyboard. they also tend to put stringed instruments into their songs to create more of a melodic sound

Structure/Organization sometimes the Beatles stick to the normal (verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, etc), but often times they do song patterns you aren't expecting. It almost seems to be within the song itself (song, another song, first song again)

Emotional Architecture I don't know about you, but each Beatles song leaves me feeling a different feeling. For instance, Maxwell's Silver Hammer has a light-hearted feeling to it, even though it's not the most uplifting song. (It almost sounds like something you'd hear in A Clockwork Orange). Comparing this to the free-flowing, melody changing I Want You (She's So Heavy), you get moments of passion, followed by a dark, dismal sound when it gets to the "She's so heavy" part.

Listening Phase 3 (Sound Quality)


-       Height The Beatles know very well how utilize different pitches in their songs. There is no one range they decide to stick with in regards to High or Low pitch

-       Width their songs tend to be very width, you get a sense that at least in the recording it is not only them playing, but sometimes even a small orchestra. It definitely keeps you interested

-       Depth As I've mentioned a few times, there is quite the abundance of instrument sounds. You got the main rock and roll instruments, often along with woodwinds and i may be wrong, but i feel like i hear some brass in their as well

Now that I have given you an analysis of this caliber of the Album, I would like to talk about the lyrics and how it made me feel. I am a sucker for a while written peace as far as wording. That being said, SOME of their songs on this album were a bit annoying. I know they are the Beatles and are a major force behind rock and roll history, but i get tired oh so quickly of "I Want you... I want you so bad.. she's so heavy" being the only lyrics in their songs. Granted, they have other songs that make up for the lack of creativity lyrics wise in that one, but still. Just the one bothers me.

I love me some Beatles. I almost always make emotional connections with their songs. Come Together Makes me feel strong and proud; determined almost. Maxwell's Silver Hammer is one of those songs that i could listen to on a day where I just want to relax and feel good (despite some of the lyrics in the song, hehe). 
Hands down, they are one of my favorite bands.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Don't Go Back Into the House 50pts

Something I’ve learned from watching scaring movies. People are not logical at all! The react to the situation the worst way they possibly could. Another thing I’ve learned, do not pick on people! That should be a given, but horror movies really pound it into your brain if you watch enough of them. One of the best examples of “bullied teen turned psycho” horror movies, aside Carrie is Chronicle. The movie is based off of a boy, Andrew, who is not liked at all either at school or by his father at home. He begins filming everything, giving it the mockumentary, so that he can “show everyone” what happens to him on the daily. At a party, he, along with his cousin Matt and soon to be friend Steve, stumble upon a whole in the ground. Within, they encounter a foreign object which knocks them out. When they awake, they all have powers beyond comprehension. This sets up a story in which Andrew slowly “makes friends” and gets stronger, only to be bullied still. At the same time he is bullied at home and worried for his dying mother. He starts to defend himself against the bullies and mean ol’ daddy by using his powers, and people find him even weirder. Eventually, while trying to steal enough money for his mother’s medicine, blows himself up, putting him in the hospital. Therein, his father confronts him about how awful he is. Andrew snaps, and starts wreaking havoc on Seattle. In the end, there is a show down between him and his cousin, Matt; Andrew loses his life in a last resort choice by Matt.
There are many things people do wrong in regards to this film. For starters, Andrew’s father is an abusive alcoholic who falls short of blaming Andrew of his wife’s illness. Many times on camera you see him beat the absolute crap out of Andrew. As I said before, it should be a no brainer to treat people right; not to be bullies. It’s bad enough that he has to deal with it at school, but that he doesn’t even have solace in his own home. Here’s where Mr. Detmer messes up, in one encounter where Andrew uses his super-human powers to through him against a wall and beat the crap out of him in return, you’d think he’d learn “maybe I should stop”. What does he do instead? When Andrew is in his hospital bed, supposedly in a coma, he starts verbally abusing him to no end. Sure, Andrew is “asleep” so he should be safe. I don’t know about you, but even then I wouldn’t try to cross him again. And rightfully so, he woke right up and tried to end the terror by dropping him from the hospital window several stories up.
There is a moment when everyone seems to finally really enjoy Andrew’s company, after he wows everyone with his “magic skills” at the talent show. It’s all very superficial, but you’d have to think after being so mistreated, he’d obviously take superficial friendship over beatings. When he is about to lose his virginity, he gets nervous and pukes all over the girl (this is just speculation as it is not shown, only implied). The fickle group of high-schoolers waste no time in turning back to their old ways and being absolute jerks to him. How does he react? By telekinetically ripping the teeth out of one of his biggest school tormentors.

During the showdown between Andrew and Matt, Matt’s girlfriend Casey jumps into a car so that she can follow the fight, as it is mostly air-born. Speaking of air-born, Andrew uses his powers to pick up the vehicle she is in so that he can crash it into the ground. I’m sorry, but if you see someone flying and moving things with his mind, the last thing I would do is get inside a vehicle, because HE’S PROBABLY GOING TO MOVE THAT TOO! This goes for the cops too. They try to shoot at him, and he redirects the bullets. They look confused by this, and I mean for the most part rightfully so. However, if you see this guy moving things, do you think you want to shoot at him? I don’t know how clearly I’d think in the actual situation, but something tells me I’d let the two flying guys work it out themselves. There is only so much you can do to save the city at this point, so just step back for a second and wait to see if you are indeed needed. So again… don’t be a jerk to the “weird” kid at school, they could end up being powerful psychos.

Classic Ending? 50 pts

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi alternate ending

Leia sneaks aboard the ship that takes Vader and Luke up to the Death Star. She hides steps behind and later makes her way through the death star and climbs into the ventilation system. The original conversation amongst Palpatine, Vader and Luke ensues, and Leia eventually finds her way up into the Emperors head-quarters. She overhears the part of the conversation in which Vader makes the connection that there is a twin sister. There is a longer pause as now that he is aware of her he feels her presence, but thinks it is just the new awareness. He inadvertently looks in the direction that she is hiding and she becomes scared and pulls back some. Vader continues his monologue in which he starts threatening Luke to hurt Leia and their friends; or turning her to the dark side. This invokes the iconic scene in which Luke gets pissed and starts wailing on Vader. Leia cringes at the sight of Luke losing his nerve, especially when he chops off Vader’s already prosthetic hand. Palpatine starts his eerie pressuring of Luke to give into his feelings. Leia thinks she sees for a brief moment Luke thinking through his options and begins to cry silently. Vader senses her presence again, but is unsure of why he is sensing her. When Luke refuses to join, the Emperor goes about using the force to shock him. Leia becomes enraged as she watches her brother being electrified. She sees Vader struggling as the realization of what has happened sets in, but he is extremely warn out and cannot stop it. He shouts out to Palpatine to stop, who gets angry and directs his electricity at both Vader AND Luke. Leia’s anger heightens and without think, she holds out her hand. What happens next was subject of conversation for many years after. Leia inadvertently used the force to retrieve Vader’s lightsaber and jumps into action. She chops of Palpatine’s hands in a successful attempt to stop. The Emperor falls to the floor in utter shock at this vigilante rebel who out of nowhere harnessed her power. She holds the lightsaber up to his neck to gain control over him. She tells him she isn’t going to kill him… rather, she was going to let him blow up with the rest of the death star. It’s at this point Luke runs up behind her, questioning her presence and her ability to use the force. She tells him not to worry and they retrieve Vader. They are able to leave the death star moments before the rebels blow it up. Once on Endor, Vader requests to have his mask removed so he can live amongst the others, however briefly, as a person; not a cyborg. He enjoys his last few moments seeing peace in the galaxy. He then shows up in force ghost form alongside Obi Wan and Yoda. He is Anakin Skywalker again; whole, healthy and good. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Relationship 25 pts

I heard a conversation on the phone today between a girl and her mother. I was trying not to eavesdrop, but it can be hard when they are talking super loud. She was explaining to her mother about her current affair; a guy who sounds like a total jerk. He’d apparently told her he couldn’t be with her because she seemed extremely stuck on her ex-boyfriend.  She explained to her mother that she told him that this didn’t make any sense, because they hadn’t been together for a year, and she only brought him up once. Now granted I was not there to see if it indeed was the only time, but if it was that is really ridiculous! Her movie quite audibly started yelling at how awful of a d*** the guy was. It was interesting and I tried to get out of her company.

I am part of a club of all girls, which is weird because I’ve never had so many friends that were girls. Let me just say girls can be rather petty sometimes. One of them is super A type, and she has no tact whatsoever. I was recently asked by this girl how it was like to be, seeing as I am 23 years old… She herself is 22, but apparently I am old. I told her “I don’t know, it’s not much different than your age.” She then asked me, “So it doesn’t get better?” In her eyes, I guess this means we are friends.

On the other hand, I have made some awesome friends in this group. Two of them force me to finally give in and watch Doctor Who and now I love it. We are such dorks. We often talk to each other with varying accents; everything from Irish to Russian. It is very fun to be in our friend group because we have a lot of fun, but also are there for each other when we need to be. If it weren’t for them I don’t think I would have made it through this semester.

My family and I are very sarcastic with each other. We can be downright cruel sometimes, but we know that it is out of love; if that makes any sense.  We audible mock things each other does. For instance, mom has a tendency to get sucked into shopping or work, and there is no way of bringing her back into reality when she does. Dad on the other hand seems very lost in his head and it seems like he doesn’t listen very well. I quote movies and shows, and talk media talk, way too much as if they understand. We will just make remakes loud enough the other is talking and make them curious only to be “jerks” and tell them what we said.

Ever just go to someone’s house and they begin fighting in front of you and you sit there feeling extremely awkward? That was my ex’s house on a regular basis. And it would be over the most unnecessary topics. It would get to the point in which I would either get upset or have to leave, because my family hardly ever fights at all. I miss my best friend, but I sure as hell don’t miss th

Friday, April 11, 2014

Your Life is a Screenplay 60 pts

(Disclaimer, this is a true and very sad story.)

Fade In:
The Petermann Household – mid afternoon
In a suburban Ohio town, a girl learns the tragic news of a beloved family members death.
CLAIRE, a girl 14 years of age, is dropped off by her carpool group, as her father is at work, and her mother is on her way to pick up the older sister, Danielle. She walks inside and starts looking around.
                                                Gigi, Sipsee! I’m home!!!
Two dogs, one tan and one black, both mutts and very fluffy, come into view and beg for CLAIRE’S affection. CLAIRE obliges by sitting on the floor and petting them enthusiastically. She then stands, moves to a couch to sit on. She flips on the TV and begins to enjoy a mind-numbing episode of Spongebob Squarepants.
Fade out:
Fade in:
CLAIRE is still sitting, but the show is now Boy Meets World. She looks completely unaware of the world.
CLAIRE reacts startled and looks out the window.
Outside stand two cops. One is looking through notes, and the other one is talking to the first. CLAIRE sinks down, worried that there are two cops. She quietly moves towards the house’s side door. She merges, and sneaks to the side. She is hoping to hear a bit of the conversation. However, she is immediately spotted.
                                                                COP 1:
                                                (He welcomingly waves her over)
                                                Hey there!
                                                Hello, is there a problem?
                                                                COP 2:
                                                Are your parents home, sweetie?
                                                No, just me at the moment
                                                                COP 1:
                                                Well, can you give us a phone number where we could reach one of them?
CLAIRE nervously walks over to them                                    
                                                (whispers) Yes
CLAIRE give them her father’s phone number.
                                                Can I know what is going on?
                                                                COP 2:
                                                We’ll contact you guys in a few minutes.
The cops leave. CLAIRE runs inside immediately and calls her mother.
                                                (over the phone) Hello!
                                                Hey, so there were just some cops here. You on your way home yet?
                                                Nope, still waiting on Danielle. But it shouldn’t be too much longer.
                                                Alright, well I’m gonna try to call Dad
                                                Okie dokie. I love you, bye!
                                                Love you too bye.
MONTAGE SEQUENCE. Several cross cuts of CLAIRE trying to get ahold of her father. CLAIRE starts to look very frantic as the scene progresses.
Suddenly her father, DOUG, a fit man in his late 40’s in a work suit, walks in.
                                                I’ve been trying to call you!
                                                Oh, sorry I haven’t had my sound on. You ok?
                                                Yea, but there were some cops here. Did they call you?
                                                Um (picks up his phone) yes, yes they did. I should call them back.
DOUG moves to the kitchen table and sits as he listens for the cops to answer. CLAIRE leans in the doorway.
                                                Hello officer, how can I help you? Yes I am sitting down, why?
There is a muffled sound from the phone. DOUG’s demeanor changes to sadness.
                                                No, you can’t tell me that.
(Holds up a finger to make CLAIRE wait) Ok, thank you officer. I’m going to call my wife now
Dad, what is going on?
Hang on, I’m gonna tell you and Mom at the same time.
DOUG presses the speed dial to call DEBRA. There is an ominous wait as both DOUG and CLAIRE are silent. DEBRA answers the phone.

                                                Hey Deb… Are you sitting?... I know she’s not there yet… Deb? Danielle’s gone!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What is this Sorcery 30 pts

I would like to make a game based on my premise presented in my “Your Harmatia is Showing” project. You will play the girl. She will start out in her little village. The first task you will come across is her fulfilling her own quest of getting to her father’s sword fighting lesson. You will ride your horse to the class and must find the shortest, most efficient way to the class. If you fail to do so, you will be sent back to the beginning until you can. Once you have (finally) succeeded, there will be a video of you having a conversation with your father as he caught you watching in on the class. Fade to nighttime when the Dark Lords minions make a terrorizing visit to the village. You follow them and repair damage as you attempt to keep close. You follow them back into the woods; you are alone with only a wimpy sword your character forged in secret. Your attempt to keep close leads you into trouble because they become aware of your presence. You are given a chance to try to fight them off. You may succeed, but if you do you it will not be long before more come back and capture you. And if you don’t win the first time, it will be all the quicker you are taken away.
You then wake up in the prison of the Dark Lord’s palace. Your next quest is to break out without being noticed. If you get noticed, you have to try again. You do this until you succeed. Once out, you meet a young woman of similar age who offers to help you in your quest to exact vengeance on the Dark Lord.  You must retrieve certain materials to make armor for yourself and then proceed to the blacksmiths. While there, there is another raid by the minions, who recognize you and you must fight each of them off. They release a “boss” minion, who you must get very close to beating. However, before you can, the Dark Lord emerges. He is not at all what you pictured; in fact he is tragically handsome. In an unexpected turn of events, he saves you and takes you to his palace as a guest.

He allows you to sleep, which gives you all your strength back. When you awake from slumber, he is waiting to show you his fortress. In a quickly edited video, you see the highlights of his work. He has you show your strength and skill against his men. You spend some time doing so, but when you’ve sufficiently done so, you turn and hold the sword to his throat. He gives you the ultimatum, and you have a dream sequence in which you must wonder through the steps of his plan. when you have had your fill, you must fight him. this consists of intertwining instances of fighting his minions instead. this is the hardest level.